
Download and Install

Install Mpc
Installing Mpc is easy with our new Mpc Installer Script. After configuring the script with your Mpc license, upload the installer file to your website and browse to it.
System Requirements

  • Linux operating system.
  • Apache or Nginx webserver.
  • PHP version 7.0 or newer.
  • PHP minimum version 7.4 to use Markdown-to-Html converter.

PHP configuration:
  • PHP Curl extension enabled.
  • PHP Phar extension enabled.
  • PHP SQLite3 extension enabled.
  • PHP proc_open and proc_close functions enabled.

Trial Demo

The Demo licensed Mpc runs with the following restrictions:
  • 10 pages per build.
  • Spintax disabled.
  • No Editor Shortcodes.
  • Grab New restrictions.
All other Commercial license
features are 100% operable.
Trial Demo requires a $1 license. The $1 charge is fully refundable or applied to license upgrade.

Can you run Mpc?

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